The Wandering Chiropractor

Dr. Jasmin uses gentle and specific techniques to examine the spine and extremities to determine when, where, and if an animal needs an adjustment. With her training and education, Dr. Jasmin thoroughly assesses the joints of the spine and extremities to assess joint mobility and function. If reduced mobility and function is found, she applies a gentle, high velocity low amplitude force with her hands. This is known as the adjustment, and helps break adhesions within the joint tissue, ultimately improving joint function, biomechanics, and mobility. When a joint can move and function freely, so can the nervous system.

Services available

Dogs, horses, cattle, chickens, cats - anything with a spine and a nervous system needs chiropractic care and Dr. Jasmin can help. Free consultations and quotes available over the phone.

Not sure if your animal is a candidate for chiropractic care? Contact Dr. Jasmin and get your questions answered and your mind put at ease.

Location and Hours

Dr. Jasmin is available by appointment only.

Haul in appointments for large animals are encouraged, and offered at a discounted rate. We have many haul in locations offered - message us today to see which location is most convenient for you!

K9 & human appointments are offered at the same locations as our large animal haul in locations. We do have a brick & mortar location for k9 patients in West Jordan as well.

Costs and Discounts

Price varies with each appointment, and is based on the number of animals scheduled in one location. Reach out to us today for a quote!

  • Large Animals:

    • Haul in: $100

    • Barn visit: $180

      • Bundle discount: schedule 4 or more large animals at one location, and the price is discounted back to $100 per large animal.

  • Small Animals:

    • New patient: $90

    • Existing patient / follow up visit: $60

  • Humans:

    • New patient: $90

    • Existing patient / follow up visit: $50

20% military discount available for active duty members and veterans & their immediate family members


Mission statement

Through her exposure to the many different aspects of the animal industry, Dr. Jasmin has seen the unfortunate side of animal health care. Many times, our animals are blamed for their short comings, which can ultimately lead to unfortunate circumstances. When animals don’t feel their best, they don’t perform or behave their best. Often times animals are given a label of poor behavior or poor performance inherently, when in reality there is a reason they behave the way they do – they are trying to tell us something, and usually that something is related to pain or discomfort. While there is no guarantee that chiropractic can fix everything, I believe it should be exhausted like every other option for our animal’s healthcare in the chance that it could change their life (and yours as the owner).

My mission is to provide the missing piece to our animal’s health care that they are craving and desperately asking for. My heart is on fire to help as many animals as I can live a longer, fuller, pain free life with less complications. We as humans try to live life to the fullest, and our animals deserve nothing less.